

Her Workshop:

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Paradoxa: is a body worker (certified Rolfer & Rolfing Movement Practitioner), natural health practitioner, film editor, family constellation practitioner.

She is a dedicated networker, inspiration, motivator for a more authentic way of life, and a quintessential hands-on person.

Paradoxa loves seeing the seemingly impossible rendered possible.




Pressure for Pleasure

Paradoxa-WS 700Pushing, pressing, pinching, squeezing : pressure makes pleasure

tightness, density, compression reclaims stringent to a gasp of relief, a relaxation and a widening.

we'll gonna make pressure with our weight along the bones, the jaw joint, in all points of tension, tightness and relaxation: tender & intense, targeted & intuitive, listening to the puls and to the breath and in connection to our partner

we'll experiment with what does good to us and what does less good, with giving and taking, with extensive antics in lust for pain and pain for lust.

When will come rage und then, do we want more?? we give more.

Can you enjoy pain? Breathing, groaning, screaming, purring ... what is your language?

action and noise, movement and voice, all this may be(is allowed to be here) ...

Condemnation and desire for pain. Even silence, slowness and consciousness may take up room.

An active, stimulating workshop with paradoxa, in three stages:

Friday: sense
Saturday: senses
Sunday: sensuality

an awakener with side effects: good morning!

Photo: Paradoxa