
Xplore Vienna 2013

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Her Workshop:

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Claudia (*1977), studied Social and Economic Sciences, works as an editor for women’s, youth, knowledge and health media and is author of erotic stories. Her passion is to explore sexual expressions combined with psychological, philosophical, sociological, spiritual and artistic aspects.

Her experience with BDSM and her affinity to Tantra let her get in touch with Xplore. For Schwelle7 Vienna she does public relations work, creates workshops and is workshop conductor.

Since 2013 she is being educated as a psychological counsellor. Her aim is to explore erotic power and reconcile the dark side of our sexuality with our desire for intimate relationships, closeness and personal development.





... derives from the the Latin term „devotus“, which also means sanctified. What fascinates about devotion and submissiveness? Which energy, which strength comes from serving, being humiliated, being used?

When devoted I give up power. I submit myself. What happens then? What happens with my body, what images and emotions arise? I open up, I let myself being opened, I surrender. I am not great, not powerful, nothing special, no. I am small, vulnerable, helpless. Someone else penetrates me, maybe he or she penetrates my body, certainly my soul. In commanding, acting, with a gesture. I let go of my ego, my armours. I show myself vulnerable and I wish to be embraced as I am. Naked, pure. In my weakness. I can be myself. Unvarnished, without my cultural masks. I feel myself drawn into a downward spiral and I dip into the depths of my inner self, which otherwise are dark. That makes me feel free and alive.

Submissive fantasies are fantasies of our hearts and very often they are politically incorrect. Sexually we are aroused by things, we strictly refuse or protest against in everyday life.

In this workshop we will discover those fantasies in a sensual atmosphere. Furthermore we will explore concrete triggers and expressions of devotion, in posture, language and act.