
Xplore Vienna 2013

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Conny & Jan


Their Workshop:

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Conny:  born in 1982 in the sign of Capricorn, which explains her straightness and her assertiveness.

Since her earliest youth, Conny is interested in relationship patterns and behaviors of people. It always gave her great pleasure to prepare others to observe or learn more by talking about their situation, their problems, etc.. With great empathy and a lot of patience, she always trys to solve conflicts in private and work environment and to mediate between the polarities. This interest has meant that she has decided to switch from law to the social sciences and to make her passion into a profession.

She's psychosocial counselor (i.A.U.S) and especially interested in relationship- and sex counseling. This is certainly because she deals with issues concerning Polyamory for some time and is exicited about the relationship dynamics and difficulties in polyamory weaves.

>> Who really loves you, gives you the freedom to be who you are <<

Mehr über sie auf: und

ist angehender Hara Shiatsu Praktiker. Er hat in seiner Goldschmiedelehre, zeitweiligem Studium, sowie als Security und Barkeeper besonders seine Liebe zum Detail, Weltoffenheit, Klarheit und Freude am kreativen Genussschaffen, ausgebaut. Seit über zehn Jahren erlebt er facettenreich BDSM. Besonderen Wert legt er dabei auf Sensitivität im Miteinander. Neben dem Kontakt zu Menschen bedeutet ihm auch eigene Körperarbeit viel - hierzu zählt er unter anderem Klettern, Kraftsport, Laufen und die erfolgreiche Besteigung des Kilimandscharo. In seiner Leidenschaft an der eigenen Entwicklung blüht er unter anderem als Part eines Suspension-Teams und als Shibari-Schüler auf. Mittlerweile lebt er glücklich polyamourös. Stetige Bewegung, Ruhe und Kraft beschäftigen ihn besonders.

„Wir sind Teil des Lebens - teilen wir es miteinander.“




Saliromanie conny-jan-WS

Saliromanie or Salirophilie (French salir, "daub", "dirty" and philia) means to have a preference for soiling a person or object related with sexual arousal.

In addition to visual stimuli the humiliation of the other person can also be important. The forms of Saliromanie are varied; it is always about to smear or to sprinkle oneself and / or the partner as well as the own clothes and / or the partners clothes with all kinds of mushy, slimy or liquid substances. Slightly saliromanesque actions are wide spread, especially in cultures where a great value on hygiene and cleanliness is significant and smearing is associated with the breaking of a rule.

In this workshop we will sully eachother with various kinds of food (chocolate pudding, semolina pudding, whipped cream, water, milk, etc.) and depending on your mood also with spit.

Please bring clothes to change or participate naked / in underwear in this workshop. The possibility to take a shower afterwards is existing. Plenty of towels are available at the location.